As you already know, we are Roald Dahl base. We will be spending lots of time in the coming year exploring and enjoying his famous stories.
We are starting with the BFG. I wonder how many of you have seen the new BFG movie at the cinema over the holidays?
We will still have English and Maths lessons everyday as well as an assembly, guided reading and active time. We are also going to have a dedicated story time everyday too!
During the week we will also have two PE sessions. During the Autumn Term these will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please make sure you have your named PE kit in school on these days.
We will continue to have a topic theme each term in which we can explore all of our Science, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology and Art through.
Our topic for the Autumn term is called
Watch out for the curriculum map coming home in the first few weeks for more details.
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