Friday, 9 September 2016

Big and friendly, but are they giants?

What a great start to Year 3.  Our class are big and friendly, but are they giants?

Our Maths this week involved lots of measuring in mm, cm and metres.  A few of our class even added their own BFG ears to their measurements!

In English we have been looking at The BFG by Roald Dahl.  Check out the portraits of him in our classroom and the Phizz tickiling similies we have written to go with them.

We have also written Whizz popping acrostic poems about the BFG.

If you worked with our artist friend Bridget Townsend last year, it is the #connectionsproject exhibition on Sunday 11am until 5pm at Dorchester Borough Gardens.  Come and see your artwork in a public exhibition. You may even bump into Bridget.

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