Thursday, 21 April 2016

Wicked world!

The children have loved learning about volcanoes, earthquakes and tornadoes!

Here are some examples of the work they have been doing.

 How fossils are formed.

       Layers of the Earth.
Learning about different types of mountain. Great presentation too!

Fantastic, clearly drawn diagrams of what is under our feet!

How volcanoes are formed. It was quite tricky to use all the correct vocabulary.

Sorting natural rocks into their 3 groups.

 We added to our class map - the red triangles show the location of volcanoes we found out about when researching. You can't see in the picture but each volcano has a label to tell you its name and whether or not is it exsinct, dormant or active. 

The long red lines show the 'ring of fire'. This is the most active place for volcanoes and earthquakes.

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