Thursday, 13 October 2016

Home learning help!!

As part of this weeks home learning we have asked all the children to practice the times table they have been working on.   In year 3 we like to learn them in this order.  10x   2x    5x    3x    4x     8x

Here is the link to the computer game we love to use to help us get better at remembering them.


Incredible Internet

In computing, we have been learning about the internet.  We have been internet detectives and used search engines to answer topic questions.  We have talked about the reliability of the information too.
Here are the links to the videos that were great at explaining the different technical parts of the internet and the world wide web.

How the internet works

What is the world wide web?

How do search engines work?

Monday, 3 October 2016

DO NOT ENTER!!! Crime scene?

Last Friday we came into school to find there had been an unexpected visitor in the Year 3 classroom.

There were enormous footprints on the floor!!  We made some observations and then wrote our initial thoughts down.

Later, we used our initial reports to help us write wanted posters with character descriptions on them.  
Check out the fantastic work in our English books.

All through the day we made adults in school measure their feet against our evidence to rule them out of the investigation.

We had so much fun!

Does food help us feel a sense of belonging?

We loved sharing a vegetarian meal last week.  We looked at how people of all religions use shared meals to promote a sense of belonging.  We looked at how Sikh families take it in turns to cook a meal for everyone at the Gurdwara. We shared spiced chickpeas, lentil tarka dal, bombay potatoes, naan bread, popadoms and mango chutney.  We all agreed it was great to share a meal.